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Business Opportunity

For Investors

Life Assay is proactively seeking investors and partners in order to expand its business. The company is interested to explore the acquisition of medical Rapid Diagnostic Test manufacturing operations.

Possible acquisitions are sought in Africa, South America, and Asia

The company is also inviting investors to join in co-funding pending acquisitions. These include amongst others a leading international manufacturer and distributor of Malaria RDTs.

For Researchers

Life Assay is seeking new technologies and products, specifically those which relate to lateral flow Rapid Diagnostic Tests.

This would include platform improvements as well as specific disease analytes (antibodies, antigens). In addition, newer diagnostic technologies will be evaluated such as microfluidic devices.

Should such technologies/application be beneficial to the business objectives of Life Assay, the company will then consider to facilitate financial support for the commercialization of the said technologies.

Subsequently, Life Assay will engage in the manufacturing and distribution of the products.

For Strategic Partners and Technology Licensors

Life Assay is interested in licensing opportunities for additional Rapid Diagnostic Tests. The company would be interested to expand its RDT manufacturing know-how in the following fields:

- Medical
- Veterinary
- Industrial (food and beverage)
- Environmental (water, air, soil)

Life Assay would consider OEM agreements on behalf of the property owner and/or manufacturing, marketing and distribution of the licensed product.

Peer companies who wish to use our manufacturing facilities and thereby benefit from our status as a South African company enjoying preferential trade agreements such as applicable for countries comprising the BRICS alliance, are welcome to engage our company about commercial opportunities.

Raz Cohen (Business Development Director)