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Manufacturers Of World-Class Diagnostics
Lifeassay Diagnostics (Pty) Ltd is a Cape Town-based manufacturer of medical devices, specialising in diagnostics. Whilst our main focus is to manufacture diagnostic tests for government and NGO procurement for the African continent, we are also well positioned to manufacture OEM products for private customers worldwide.
At present Life Assay has 2 manufacturing units – one dedicated to the manufacturing of urinalysis tests and another unit specializing in the manufacturing of lateral flow tests. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is located in Cape Town, 15 minutes away from Cape Town International Airport.
The company is managed by a highly skilled and professional team, focusing on quality and customer service and has implemented quality systems for ISO 9001 and ISO 13485, with FDA 510k and ISO 14001 to follow. Life Assay is supported by the Department of Science and Technology through its Technology Innovation Agency (TIA).